I've got to say I've taken on more new things than I can likely handle. Needless to say, we're going to figure this out together. My name is Gretchen
Me & my 'Hus-friend' [husband+best friend]
Things currently inside my comfort zone:
- Showering
- Navigating through Target
- Checking my email, Facebook and Instagram accounts
- Consuming H20
- Opening and closing doors
- Pretending to be a perfectionist
- Not actually being a perfectionist
- Planning weekly meals and executing the creation of said meals
- Waking up at 6am to spend an hour with my husband [you'll also hear me refer to him as Jim] before he heads to work [he wakes up at 5am and then comes to get me at 6]
- Living and navigating in an area that is completely unknown to me
- Being away from friends and family and brainstorming how to make new friends here
- Being married in general
- Navigating through my local grocery store, the Food Lion [I kinda have an obsession with grocery stores and proper/efficient/sensible grocery store layouts]
- Sharing a bedroom, closet and space with my husband
- Sharing all of the above with a BOY
- Opening and closing the windows in my apartment - it's very difficult for some reason
- Blogging
- Staying on top of laundry, dishes, cleaning, groceries, to do lists, and so on...
- Being the wife of an officer in the USMC [he's a 2nd LT, first rung in the officer food chain, to be exact]
- The process of changing my last name and my address on EVERYTHING [seriously, it seems like there are 100 things - or more - that I need to change my name and address on]
- Watching my spending and considering my family as I choose what to purchase
- There's got to be more on this list that I'm not thinking of
...Life happens at the end of your comfort zone; The magic happens outside of your comfort zone... You get the point. This must mean that I'm really in for a treat! There are so many things outside of my comfort zone, and, by default, are now embedded into my life. There's going to be a lot of life and magic in store for me in the coming minutes, days, weeks, months - really the rest of my life!
Considering I'm on this new journey of firsts, seconds, and thirds that look like firsts; I figure why not document everything in a blog for a few people to glance at [maybe even read!] I'm sure my many attempts at wife-dom will receive a lot of empathy, maybe a few laughs, and hopefully I can one day pass on some of my hard earned novice wisdom. All of the blogging experts say that your blog needs to have a consistent format and a clear vision, theme, or area of expertise/specialty. I can tell you right now that I don't have any of that. Where I'm coming from is a 'lost in the dark, figuring things out, having no clue what the heck I'm doing' place.
So - now that I've made it sound scary - why don't you join me!
Over and out for now. Your new blogging friend,
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